Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Floyd Mayweather Analysis

 The guy that turned me on to most of the boxing clips that I post is, perhaps predictably, a fellow student of Sonny's. He's been boxing since he was a kid and has been studying the sweet science for a long, long, time.

He got together with a boxing friend to put together this compilation of Mayweather clips. The words are his.

I love it when someone can point stuff out to me that my own eyes cannot follow. What he sees because he understands the sport is way more than I will ever be able to, but once pointed out, the principles that underlie why you do what when, are as clear as day, and wonderful to appreciate in real time.

Like the Maestro said - "To hit is easy. To get hit even easier. To not get hit? this is where the art is."

The clip is over 20 minutes long, but spare yourself the time, it's worth it. AND the music is awesome.


This link might work if the one above does not: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp3etY6uydE


Stickgrappler said...

Hello Maija,

You wrote: "I love it when someone can point stuff out to me that my own eyes cannot follow. What he sees because he understands the sport is way more than I will ever be able to, but once pointed out, the principles that underlie why you do what when, are as clear as day, and wonderful to appreciate in real time."

For me, I feel the same, and in addition to 'eyes' i would add in 'brains' ... but that will come in time for me due to my lack of experience. Part of the pleasure of reading your writings is you open my eyes and brains

Thank you overall and also thanks to you and your friend for the clip!

Very truly yours,


Unknown said...

Hello Maija,

I've been following your great blog for awhile and love your posts.

I would love to have seen the YouTube clip of Floyd Mayweather. Unfortunately, it appears that it's been taken down?


Maija said...

Looks like it.
Hoping most folks got to see it before it was gone. :-(

Maija said...

Here's a new one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp3etY6uydE

Unknown said...

Drats. This latest video comes up "Not Available in Your Country." (Canada). Oh well. :-)