Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eskrima classes for Fall 2008

From the beginning of September, Guro Renato Alfonso will be teaching class on Tuesday evenings at Suigetsukan so now there will be 2 regular classes per week teaching the Visayan Corto Kadena Eskrima system of Maestro Sonny Umpad.
Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm, and run approx 1hr 15 -1hr 30.
Classes can be taken separately for $40/month or both for $60/month.
The material taught in the classes will flow together with slightly more emphasis on stick methods on Tuesdays and more on blade methods on Thursdays.
For information about the dojo (website is in process of being updated) go to:
At present the Sunday workouts are no longer happening, though this may change later in the year.
For more information on the system got to:
For more information about the classes e-mail to:

Sunday, August 24, 2008

2 Years Gone

On the 2nd anniversary of Maestro Sonny Umpad's passing, I would like to post this link to Stickman aka Jeff Finder's eloquent homage:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Luo De Xiu in Oakland

Luo De Xiu 2008 San Francisco Bay Area Seminar Series
Ba Gua and Tai Chi Intensives

Aug. 13 Wednesday 7 pm - 10 pm Chen Pan-ling Style Tai Chi $65
Foundation, Form Sections 1-4
& Nine Little Heaven

Aug. 14 Thursday 7 pm - 10 pm Chen Pan-ling Style Tai Chi $65
Form 1-4 Review and Sections 4-5
Functions & Nine Little Heaven

Aug. 15 Friday 7 pm - 10 pm Yizong Ba Gua Sticky-hands
Private seminar only by invitation $95

Aug. 16 Saturday 12 noon -7:30 pm Gao Style Ba Gua Zhang
Aug. 17 Sunday 12 noon -7:30 pm Weekend Seminar $235
8 Xiantian (Pre Heaven)
Continuous Circular Forms
& Line 6 Houtian - Kicking

Aug. 18 Monday 7 pm – 10 pm Chen Pan-ling Style Tai Chi $65
Foundation, Form Sections 4-5
& Nine Little Heaven

Aug. 19 Tuesday 7 pm - 10 pm Gao Style Ba Gua Zhang $65
Shui Fa – Throwing

Aug. 20 Wednesday 7 pm – 10 pm Chen Pan-ling Style Tai Chi $65
Foundation, Form Sections 5-6
& Nine Little Heaven

To register please call 510-527-7760 or email

Sunday Kicking Line and Tuesday Throwing seminars will be at Suigetsukan Dojo. All others at The Cottonmill.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

8 Week Workshop

Guros Greg Manalo and Jay Pugao of the Visayan Corto Kadena system will be teaching an 8 week workshop at Suigetsukan Dojo starting July 1st.
Tuesday nights: 7.30pm - 9pm.
Contact info:

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Photos of workshops, Belgium 2008

Photos at:-
Go to 'Events ...' section. Click Guro Maija Soderholm.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Info links for VCKE

Official website:

Video footage:

Workshops in Ghent and Oostakker, Belgium:
April 22nd, 24th, 26th and 27th 2008.
Hosted by Guro Chris Snoeck.

Edit: This website address seems to be something completely different now .... weird.
Try here:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Flowing with the Maestro

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eskrima: Basic class description

Visayan Corto Kadena Eskrima is the creation of Maestro Sonny Umpad.
It is a Sword based, Filipino martial art taught around the concept of "random flow".
Class consists of the "Moro warm up set", followed by a combination of some of the following elements of the system: Pangamut (empty hand), Sikaran, Sword manipulation and flow, Double blade, Sangot (sickle), and Largo/Bogsai (cane).

Bagua: Basic class description

I teach the Gao style system as taught by Luo de Xiu, but occasionally add other Nei Gung elements, plus some Tai Chi, Hsing-I or even Eskrima to illustrate points as seems necessary.
Class usually consists of a little standing meditation, ji ben gung, and either circle walking practice or straight line forms with fighting applications.
Class has been running for about a year now. We are just about to start on Tienjin circle form #6, and Line 1.5.
Beginners are welcome to join at any time, as are continuing practitioners.
First the important info:
Class times:
Gao style Bagua from the Yizong lineage of Luo de Xiu of Taipei.
7.30 - 8.30 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
$60/month. $10 drop in.

Visayan Corto Kadena Eskrima from Maestro Sonny Umpad.
7.30 - 8.50 pm Thursday evening, and by invitation only 4 - 6 pm Sundays.
$40/month. $10 drop in.

At: Suigetsukan dojo. Corner of E14th (International Blvd) and 1st ave in Oakland, CA.
Visit for directions.