Sunday, November 4, 2012


So, yeah, 3 hours .... not enough .....
But maybe enough to fill the head and nervous system ...?
(All feedback gladly accepted)

From my end - Had a great time yesterday though probably talked too much. Really hard working, communicative, and receptive group ... and the first group totally outside my system to try out some of the drills progressions I'm getting together for an e-book/video on cheating ... OK, tactical thinking ..... ;-)
Ostensibly it will be a book about Faking, Baiting, Freezing and Looping, but the preliminaries to doing these successfully - an accurate understanding of range/space, threat/safety, time/rhythm, human tendencies - have to come first.
Yesterday was mostly about range, playing with the margins, and learning to experience and notice what is ACTUALLY going on.
We also looked at how blades work, how edged weapons are unique in how they move. How close you need to get to use them, and some of the counter intuitive things you need to do when facing them.
Looks like this may turn into a series of workshops, so with any luck I'll get to test out more of these progressions in the not too distant future.

Thanks again to Peter and Soja Martial Arts for hosting, and the invite back. Next time, probably focus more on the hand as target, and take it from there ....

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