Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Intra-Brain Communication

Mac posted a piece about how the emotions play a key part in linking information to 'knowing' in the context of teaching/learning.
'Knowing' is my word for an ingrained understanding of something.
In an example I have experienced - After training for a while with Sonny I started to actively FEEL when I was open, physically perceiving those unprotected areas that are constantly being created by motion and striking. I swear I started to feel the breeze coming through them, like a window opened to let fresh air in, alongside the slight whistling sound of empty space. (Interesting - Not sight, but touch and sound ....)
This only came about of course because I spent many years getting hit. Not only getting hit, but trying not to get hit, i.e. failing.
The crucial part of the 'knowing' however came from linking the feeling/emotion of getting hit with searching for it's CAUSE.
Start to consciously try to feel the cause, and you can start to fix the problem.
So the Kadena in this case is - Don't get hit, it sucks to get hit, how do I not get hit?
Lizard, monkey, human ...... where perhaps the monkey acts as the bridge so human and lizard can 'converse' and actually effect useful change?

1 comment:

Josh Kruschke said...

"Lizard, monkey, human ...... where perhaps the monkey acts as the bridge so human and lizard can 'converse' and actually effect useful change?"
